TOP TALK|白俄罗斯驻上海总领事瓦列里·马采列:让“一带一路”上的“明珠”更加璀璨

2019年07月26日 17:14:31 | 来源:我苏网

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  瓦列里·马采列Matsel Valeriy


  坐落在白俄罗斯明斯克的中白工业园(Great Stone)是丝绸之路经济带上的明珠和中白互利合作的典范。截至2019年7月初,入驻园区的企业已经达到56家,协议投资额突破了11亿美元。中白工业园在短短五年里能有如此快速的发展,得益于两国政府的高度重视和密切合作。


  在参加软博会期间,瓦列里·马采列接受了我们的独家采访。本期Top Talk,我们就同白俄罗斯驻沪总领事一起谈谈“一带一路”战略下中白经贸合作的成功案例,以及江苏同白俄罗斯未来合作的更多可能性



President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko once said that China has always been a good and reliable friend of Belarus, and Belarus will always be China’s most trustworthy friend. With the friendly relationship between China and Belarus, Jiangsu Province established a sister-state relationship with Mogilev oblast in 2015. Over the past four years, government officials from both Jiangsu and Mogilev have made continuous efforts in maintaining the relationship through frequent visits.



“Our sister relationship does not stop at provincial level, it is also established between cities as well,” said Matsel Valeriy, “For example, Nanjing and Mogilev are sister cities, so are Wuxi and Babruysk, and Xuzhou and Mazyr.”



These sister city relationships have equipped China and Belarus with an enormous number of opportunities concerning economic and trade cooperation. According to the Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province, total expenditure of Belarusian goods in Jiangsu tripled in 2018 alone. Scads of cooperative projects have sprung up in the meantime, “For instance, Jiangsu Overseas Group Corporation has set up a joint venture on processing beef with Mogilev Meat-Packing Plant; Lianyungang Yinfeng is growing mushrooms in Krichev District; During Governor Wu Zhenglong’s visit to Belarus last year,Suguo Supermarket settled a cooperative project with Belarus.”



Current cooperation between Jiangsu and Belarus is only a start.Suguo Supermarket will embark on a more active collaboration with Belarusian companies, making sure that consumers can have access to more high-quality food and a high-quality life.



In May 2015, accompanied by Belarusian President Lukashenko, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited China-Belarus Industrial Park, or Great Stone. The park has entered the stage of rapid development since then. It has now become a ‘pearl’ on the Belt and Road. As Matsel Valeriy put it, “Under the Belt and Road Initiative, the world has witnessed a plethora of successful collaboration between China and Belarus, Great Stone, the biggest overseas Industrial Park established by China, is a case in point.”


Apart from conforming to the strategic plans of both governments, the success of Great Stone also stems from its willingness for innovation. After four years of rapid development, Great Stone has welcomed 56 enterprises from 10 different countries, involving 9 high-tech fields including e-commerce, big data, social and cultural industries, etc. China-Belarus Industrial Park is determined to attract more than 200 high-tech companies in the future, building an international Aerotropolis with a population of 200,000, said Matsel Valeriy.


“However, it is a pity that Great Stone Industrial Park has not seen any companies from Jiangsu up to now.” said Matsel Valeriy, “But as more relevant activities took place and with the deepening of communication, I believe more and more entrepreneurs and companies from Jiangsu will come to Belarus, to Great Stone, and explore a way for the economic growth of the industrial park alongside with Belarusian entrepreneurs, government and companies.”



The China International Import Expo (CIIE) is the world’s first import-themed international exhibition. The first CIIE successfully attracted over 1,000 enterprises from 58 countries along the Belt and Road. “Last year, over 80companies from Belarus came to Shanghai and attended the exhibition”, said Matsel Valeriy, “Led by the Governor of Jiangsu Province, Mr. Wu Zhenglong, a group of representatives from Jiangsu supported us and came to our exhibition area last year.”


  首届进博会的成功成为了今年活动最好的宣传,瓦列里·马采列告诉《Hello Jiangsu》,“今年会有更多的企业前来参会,现在已经有90多家企业想借这个机会与中国的客户和中国的伙伴认识”。

The success of the first CIIE is the best advertisement of this year’s Expo. According to Matsel Valeriy, “We will see more Belarusian enterprises this year. To the best of my knowledge, 90 entrepreneurs are hoping to take this opportunity and meet Chinese customers and Chinese partners.”


At last, Matsel Valeriy invited everyone from Jiangsu to participate in the second CIIE, “I would like to take this opportunity to invite to friends from Jiangsu get involved and come to our exhibition area. We would like to discuss more about possible cooperation in the future with more scholars and entrepreneurs from Jiangsu.”
