环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK⑦|捷克前总统瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯:这个时代给这座城市注入了新的生命力

2019年05月13日 19:42:01 | 来源:我苏网

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  编者按:为庆祝新中国成立70周年,江苏国际频道联合我苏网荔枝新闻特别策划《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》高端系列访谈。12位来自全球各领域的企业高管、各国政府官员、驻沪总领事、行业专家、知名学者等,讲述他们眼中江苏乃至中国的喜人变化,畅谈全球与江苏的友好合作,展望江苏蓬勃发展的美好前景。

  自4月29日起,每周一、三、五晚推出,一起聆听“TOP TALK”,了解世界如何读懂江苏!

  本期嘉宾:Václav Klaus 捷克前总统

  5月11日,捷克前总统Václav Klaus(瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯)捷克驻华大使Vladimír Tomšík(佟福德)一行十余人参观了侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆。在参观之前,瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯接受了记者的专访。




On the afternoon of May 11, Václav Klaus, together with Vladimír Tomšík, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to China, visited the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.


At the end of the visit, Václav Klaus went to the altar and offered flowers and a moment of silence to the 300, 000 victims in front of the altar, which had the word "libation" written on it. In the album, he wrote: "I am touched by this memorial. We should never forget history and have to avoid the recurrence of atrocities against humanity."


"This is for us, even for us in Europe, a well-known event and a tragic, horrific event." Klaus said he felt it was very meaningful to offer flowers to the victims of the Nanjing Massacre. During World War II, the two countries were both ravaged by war. Václav Klaus believes that it's important for young people to remember this part of history.



Václav Klaus also attended Saturday night the opening performance of the 2019 Czech Philharmonic Orchestra China Tour, held at the Jiangsu Center for the Performing Arts.


"Czech music is the best ‘ambassador’ in our country, almost as good as our Ambassador Tomšík." Klaus quipped. The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, now over 100 years old, gave its first concert at the famous Rudolph Hall on January 4, 1896. For more than a century, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra has flourished. In 2006, the orchestra was named "One of the Top Ten Symphony Orchestras in Europe" by a French Music Magazine. In 2008, it was listed in the Top 20 Symphony Orchestras of the World by British Magazine Phonograph. In 2015, the orchestra was selected by CNN as the "Top Ten Symphony Orchestras of the World".


Václav Klaus said: "Czech music is, as I say, a very good and important ambassador of the Czech society and the Czech culture. And I think that the decision to bring here one of the most famous Czech orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. And to start a series of concerts here in China is something we appreciate very much."


  “我来中国已经有三四次了。” 瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯对记者说道。1993年,原捷克斯洛伐克正式分为捷克和斯洛伐克两个独立国家。瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯成为捷克共和国的首任总理。1994年,他便以总理的身份访问了中国。2003年,他当选为捷克总统。2004年,他以国家元首的身份再次访问中国。多年来,他为两国关系的发展做出了卓越的贡献。

"I've been to China three or four times." Václav Klaus, 78 years old, said to Hello Jiangsu. In 1993, the former Czechoslovakia were formally divided into two independent countries. Václav Klaus became the first Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. In 1994, he visited China in his capacity as Prime Minister. In 2003, he was elected President of the Czech Republic. In 2004, he again visited China in his capacity as the President of the Czech Republic. Over the years, he has made outstanding contributions to the development of bilateral relations.


  “如果我没记错的话,我还没来过南京。” 瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯告诉记者,南京的现代化程度让他尤为印象深刻。“看到南京是一个如此现代的大城市,我很惊讶。”

"But if I’m not wrong, I have never been here (Nanjing)," said Václav Klaus. He told us that he was particularly impressed by Nanjing's level of modernization. "I am surprised that it's such a big, modern city." Klaus told us.


"As I see that china is developing very, very rapidly, not just in the two, three most important and most known places, but all over the country." When hearing that Nanjing has a population of over 8 million, Klaus says that in Europe, cities with a population of 8 million will be the largest cities in Europe. "So I see that current era brings new life to the city, to this province," said Klaus.


Located in Central Europe, the Czech Republic is an important country in Central and Eastern Europe. As one of the important countries along the Belt and Road, the Czech Republic actively participates in the construction of the Belt and Road. In November 2015, the Czech Republic and four other Central and Eastern European countries signed a memorandum of understanding with China for the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. The Czech Republic becomes one of the first European countries to sign the BRI MoU with China.


In 2017, Jiangsu and Moravskoslezský kraj became sister provinces in 2017, opening a new chapter for friendly cooperation between the two sides. "Forging sister state relationship is another way to intensify the relations and the partnership of this kind. It’s proven to be a good method and a good vehicle. We can do something positive to the mutual benefit of both sides with the relationship," said Klaus.



This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China and also the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and the Czech Republic. Klaus recalled that he had visited China in 1994, the second year of his tenure as prime minister of the Czech Republic. "We wanted to restart the political, economic, and social cultural relations between our two countries back then." Klaus said he believes that all the efforts made over the past decades have been successful, but that the future will require both sides to continue to work together.


On the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China, Václav Klaus said that China had made successful development in the past 40 years and had made remarkable achievements in the economic field. "We wish you success in all other dimensions of Chinese society," said Klaus.


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  (江苏国际频道记者/朱丽君 吴彬 王荣 张警 周恬田 我苏网编辑/钱薇)
