环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK②|德国新自动化协会副主席克劳斯·亨斯巴赫:深化合作 寻求共赢

2019年05月01日 15:42:01 | 来源:我苏网

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  编者按:为庆祝新中国成立70周年,江苏国际频道联合我苏网荔枝新闻特别策划《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》高端系列访谈。12位来自全球各领域的企业高管、各国政府官员、驻沪总领事、行业专家、知名学者等,讲述他们眼中江苏乃至中国的喜人变化,畅谈全球与江苏的友好合作,展望江苏蓬勃发展的美好前景。

  自4月29日起,每周一、三、五晚推出,一起聆听“TOP TALK”,了解世界如何读懂江苏!

  本期嘉宾:Klaus Hengsbach 德国新自动化协会副主席


  作为德国新自动化协会的副主席Klaus Hengsbach(亨斯巴赫先生)平均每年都要来中国3到4次;在他和中国20几年的交情中,他在中德之间已经往返将近100次之多了。他赞赏中国目前的发展状态,也希望德国企业和中国高校可以携手合作,在工业4.0时代,更好地利用信息化技术而为产业带来变革。在他的眼里,中国是智慧的、充满活力的、面向未来的。

  《环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK》第二期,我们邀请到亨斯巴赫先生,谈一谈他与中国高校的合作愿景,以及未来的工业4.0。

Established in 2013, New Automation Association aimed to promote technology to the universities within Germany. In a few years afterwards, this association has been making efforts to build up a network with universities and companies globally, among which, 27 are from China.

As the Vice President of New Automation Association, Mr. Hengsbach has been in China more or less four times per year, so it is close to 100 times altogether. He appreciates the progress China has made and to him, China is “intelligent, dynamic and future-oriented”.

点击收看《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》第二集↑



Investing in education, New Automation Association has twenty-seven intensive cooperation with universities throughout China, with the aim to build a network among these universities in China, and also among the other companies and universities in the world. Southeast University, which is located in Nanjing, also shares a long-term partnership with New Automation Association and one of the reasons that Mr. Hengsbach pays frequent visits to Nanjing.


According to Mr. Hengsbach, German enterprises are highly interested to cooperate with Chinese universities to exchange their technology and information from the industry side with the demands from the universities, which could help shape the success of the society in China and also the success of the companies. They will stimulate and they have to support this network through laboratory equipment and know-how in training.

  着眼于未来 携手工业4.0


About the development of the automation industry in China, Mr. Hengsbach feels very positive and believes it also has a potential to grow. Industry 4.0, a name given to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies in Germany in 2011. So “to use technologies like Industry 4.0 is one of these things which we want to go with our partners in the industry and in the universities. This is also a big challenge or chance that we are facing at the moment. ”


“When we use these new technologies which we use at the moment only in the industry, also in other areas like infrastructure systems, like renewable energies, we have a lot of potential which we can give to this society and industry and make our work better.”

德国新自动化协会副主席Klaus Hengsbach接受记者专访



“What’s going on in China?” As an old friend, Mr. Hengsbach is always interested and passionate about China. “My wish to China, to the people of China is that they have a good prosperity through education, and the dynamic of China will be shaped in respect of an alignment of capacity and competences of everybody. And that will bring a bright future to China and also to your international partners like Germany and other countries of the world. In the short form, win for everybody.”


  环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK①|德国巴符州经济部长克劳特:两地友好关系25周年带来更多合作机遇

  (江苏国际频道记者/齐道政 吉敏 王荣 周恬田 我苏网编辑/钱薇)
