Jiangsu establishes cold chain traceability system

2021年03月16日 10:44:07 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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East China’s Jiangsu province has established a cold chain traceability system to ensure full-scale and real-time traceability management on imported cold chain food and improve the quality and safety supervision of imported cold chain food.

As of the end of February, Jiangsu had registered 29,472 imported cold chain food companies by handling imported cold chain food from 90 countries and regions in 9,266 varieties, 18,705 batches, and 260 thousand tons. By comparing and analyzing the data of supervisory warehouses, cold storage and wholesale market managers, Jiangsu has ensured the full traceability of cold chain foods, providing strong information support for strengthening the supervision of imported cold chain foods. 

