闻稻香、听虫鸣 外籍粉丝在溧阳感受“诗和远方”|Go Jiangsu

2020年10月18日 15:12:00 | 来源:我苏网

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  我苏网讯(记者/李明莉 顾倩颖 赵玉霄)尝一口饱含丰收喜悦的庆丰包子、品一品新鲜稻米酿造而成的米酒、万亩稻田中静享一场音乐会......10月17—18日,“Go Jiangsu”海外社交媒体外籍粉丝线下活动走进常州溧阳,来自美国、英国、乌克兰等数个国家的外籍粉丝,走进稻田,漫步一号公路,与当地农民共享丰收的喜悦,体验“田园牧歌”的生活。

Fans of “Go Jiangsu” gathered on October 17th and set off for a two-day trip in Liyang, a county-level city of Changzhou located in the South of Jiangsu Province, with the theme of “Changzhou’s Golden Harvest: An Autumn Experience”.  The 10 foreign fans are from the United States, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Nigeria, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and Bengal. In the two-day trip, they walked into rice fields in Liyang and embarked on the No.1 Highway to feel the local customs and rural development.


  庆丰村位于南渡集镇西侧,由于缺少山水资源、产业薄弱、人口外迁,早些年年集体经济收入始终跨不过 50 万元的关口,集体经营性收入更是不足 3 万元。然而,自2019 年,庆丰村积极推动农旅融合,短短一年多,就让一个经济薄弱村迅速“C 位”出道。

Qingfeng Village, whose name implies harvest celebration in Chinese, used to be an underdeveloped village. Now it has changed into a popular scenic spot combining tourism and agriculture. At there, participants tried some local food, like Qingfeng Baozi and rice wine.

  曾经脏乱的河塘变清了,“水清、草茂、鱼肥、鸟翔”的美好景象重现眼前;杂乱的庭院变整齐了,家家户户门口种上了花卉。2019 年,庆丰村的集体经济收入达到 260 万元,其中经营性收入130 余万元,村民人均收入从2016 年的1.58 万元跃升至 2.2 万元。


“In the UK, we have a massive problem where people in the rural area like to travel to the cities to find jobs, find economy,” Jamie Heath from the UK said, “But this trip is really demonstrated like China plans to try and bring people to the rural areas. And by boosting the economy of the rural areas in China, the people in the rural areas can stay in the rural areas.”


Foreigners attended the ceremony for starting harvesting and rice field concert with the breeze of night. Sitting around rice field, smelling the fragrance of rice, listening to the song of crickets and watching performance left them deep impression.

“The concert, the singers, they were so amazing. I love the environment. It's so beautiful. It's cool,” Babalola Deborah from Nigeria said that. Babalola is also a photo queen. She has taken lots of photos and is to upload on her social media to let more people know the beauty of Jiangsu.





Liyang No. 1 Highway, a must-see tourist scenic road in Liyang, also attracted foreigners’ attention. They all took photos to record such beautiful scene. “It's interesting. Yesterday we had something about rice and traditional dishes,” Anna Hrebenikova from Ukraine said, “Today we can see something like Chinese forest. Its unique. It's very interesting in there and so beautiful.”



From April 2018, the Information Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and China Daily have invited more than 80 overseas followers of Facebook and Twitter account "Jiangsu, China" to visit different parts of Jiangsu, and experience a variety of cultural activities. So far, 10 "Go Jiangsu" trips have been held and still many more to come.
