August 5 Update: No New Confirmed Case Reported in Jiangsu

2020年08月05日 12:57:37 | 来源

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Between 00:00 and 24:00, August 4, no new confirmed imported COVID-19 case was reported in Jiangsu. As of 24:00, August 4, 27 confirmed imported cases have been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively, four of which were still receiving isolated treatment at designated hospitals.

No new confirmed local case was reported on August 4. 631 confirmed local cases have been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively and all have been discharged from hospital as of 24:00, August 4.

OAugust 4, one new asymptomatic carrier imported from abroad was reported in Jiangsu, and was put under medical supervision in isolation at a designated hospital. As of 24:00, August 4, nine asymptomatic cases, all imported from abroad, were under medical supervision in isolation at designated medical facilities.

At present, of all the 14,149 close contacts with confirmed cases and asymptomatic carriers in Jiangsu, 14,035 have been discharged, and 114 are still under medical observation.

The latest update on medium and high-risk areas is as follows:

As of August 4, three counties and districts (subdistricts and communities) in the country were listed as high-risk areas while seven counties and districts (subdistricts and communities) were designated as medium-risk ones.

The three high-risk areas were:

Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (two): Tianshan District and Saybag District;

Dalian, Liaoning Province (one): Dalianwan Subdistrict, Ganjingzi District.

The seven medium-risk areas were:

Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (three): Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District), High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Xinshi District) and Shuimogou District;

Dalian, Liaoning Province (four): Gongrencun Community, Xianglujiao Subdistrict, Xigang District; Shengbin Community, Zhanqian Subdistrict, Jinpu New Area; Yangjia Village, Zhanqian Subdistrict, Jinpu New Area and Taoyuan Community, Xianjin Subdistrict, Jinpu New Area.

All overseas regions remained high-risk ones.

Experts note that:

Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health. We are still faced with a complex situation in fighting against the pandemic, so it is necessary to take prevention and control as part of everyday life with high vigilance and tight precautions as follows:

 1. Pay attention to personal hygiene by wearing a mask, washing hands and ventilating rooms regularly, and keeping social distancing. No spitting or littering. Use a tissue or the elbow to cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

 2. Keep healthy eating habits by separating cutting boards, knives and tableware while preparing and cooking food and washing them soon after use. Thoroughly cook meat, eggs, and seafood before eating. Use serving chopsticks and spoons on the table and keep a healthy and balanced diet.

 3. Properly manage your travel and reduce unnecessary gatherings. Avoid trips to regions with medium or high risks of the pandemic, unless mandatory.

 4. Heighten alertness when going to crowded places such as farm produce markets and wholesale markets by improving personal protection, keeping the mask on, avoiding large crowds, shortening the length of stay, avoiding touching raw food such as raw meat or fish, and washing hands soon after returning home.

 5. Seek medical treatment at a nearby clinic as soon as possible when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and fatigue occur and inform medical practitioners of your whereabouts over the previous 14 days. Make sure to wear a mask and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment.

 6. Apply for and use the Jiangsu Health Code to declare health conditions. For those from regions with medium or high risks of the pandemic, inform your community or employer of your conditions and cooperate to administer medical quarantine and COVID-19 nucleic acid tests. If you or your family members have been to these regions or have contacted visitors from these regions over the previous 14 days, inform your community or employer of these facts.


























84 장쑤성 코로나19 신규 확진자 없음

  84 0-24 장쑤성에 코로나19 신규 해외유입 확진자가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 84 24 기준 장쑤성 코로나19 해외유입 확진자 27명으로 집계되었는데 4명은 아직 병원에서 격리치료를 받고 있다.

  당일 신규 현지 확진자가 없었고 84 24 기준 현지 확진자 총 631명을 보고했는데 모두 완치되어 퇴원했다.

  당일 신규 해외유입 무증상 감염자가 1명이 발생되었고 지정병원에서 집중격리 및 의학관리를 받고 있다. 84 24 기준 집중격리 및 의학관리를 받고 있는 무증상 감염자가 총 9명이고 모두 해외유입 사례다.

  현재 장쑤성에 확진자  무증상 감염자의 밀접접촉자는 14,149명으로 파악됐고   14,035명은 의학관찰을 해제했고 114명은 아직 의학관찰을 받고 있다.

코로나 19 지역 위험 등급 최신 알림


  84일 기준 전국에서 총 3개 현구(縣區) (가도街道, 사구社區)가 고위험지역이고 7 개 현구(가도, 사구)가 중위험지역으로 기록되고 있다.

  3개 고위험지역은 아래와 같다.

  신장우루무치시(新疆烏魯木齊市)(2개): 톈산구(天山區), 사이바커구(沙依巴克區);

  랴오닝다롄시(遼寧大連市)(1개): 간징쯔구 다롄완가도 (甘井子區大連灣街道)

  7개 중위험지역은 아래와 같다.

  신장우루무치시(新疆烏魯木齊市)(3개): 경제기술개발구 (터우툰허구頭屯河區), 고신기술산업개발구 (신스구新市區), 수이모거우구(水磨溝區);

  랴오닝다롄시(遼寧大連市)(4개): 시강구 샹루쟈우가도 공런촌사구(西崗區香爐礁街道工人村社區), 진푸신취 짠첸가도 성빈사구(金普新區站前街道盛濱社區), 진푸신취 짠첸가도 양쟈촌(金普新區站前街道楊家村), 진푸신취 셴진가도 타우위안사구(金普新區先進街道桃園社區).

  해외는 여전히 모두 다 고위험지역으로 판정되고 있다. 

  전문가를 의하면 모든 사람은 자신 건강의 1책임자다. 현재 코로나19 사태가 여전히 복잡하니 방역통제 상시화의 현을 팽팽하게 당겨 항상 경계하고 빈틈없이 예방해야 한다.

  1. 개인위생에 유의하고 마스크를 과학적으로 착용하며, 손을 올바르게 자주 씻고, 창문을 자주 열어 환기시키며 사회적 거리 두기를 유지해야 한다. 아무데나 가래를 뱉거나 쓰레기를 함부로 엎지르지 않고 기침이나 재채기를   티슈나 팔꿈치 소매로 입과 코를 가려야 한다.

  2. 건강한 음식을 먹고,  음식과 익힌 음식을 저장하고 가공하는 도마, 식칼, 식기 등을 분리해서 사용하고 즉시 세척한다. 고기, 계란, 해산물  음식을 완전히 익혀서 먹고 공용 수저 사용, 합리적 음식, 균형 있는 영양 섭취를 권장하다.

  3. 외출 계획을 합리적으로 작성하고 불필요한 모임을 줄여야 한다. 필수가 아니라면, 가능한  코로나19 ·고위험 지역에 가지 않는 것을 권장한다.

  4. 농산물시장, 도매시장  사람이 많이 모이는 장소에 출입할  방역 의식을 높이고 개인 방호를 강화하며  과정에 마스크를 착용한다. 가급적 인파를 피해 체류시간을 단축하고, 날고기와 생선  식재료 접촉을 줄이고 귀가  손을 깨끗이 씻어야 한다.

  5. 만약 발열, 기침 혹은 무기력  증상이 있으면 즉시 인근 발열 진료소로 가서 진료를 받는 동시 14 이내의 동선을 보고해야 한다. 진료를 받으러 가는  과정에 마스크를 착용하고 가급적 대중교통 이용을 피한다.

  6. '쑤캉마(蘇康碼)' 자발적으로 신청·이용해서 건강상태를 신고한다. 코로나19 ·고위험 지역에서 장쑤성에  모든 사람들은 자발적으로 소재 주민센터 혹은 회사에 보고하고 집중격리, 의학관찰 그리고 코로나19 핵산 검사를 실시하도록 협조해야 한다. 만약 14 이내에 본인 또는 공동 거주하는 가족들이 코로나19 ·고위험 지역에  적이 있거나 해당 지역에서 장쑤성에  사람을 접촉한 적이 있는 경우, 소재 주민센터나 회사에 보고해야 한다.
