知识不分国界,跨洋线上网课里的温度|We Stand with YOU

2020年03月22日 19:53:34 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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  编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。随着疫情在世界多个国家蔓延,江苏各地也纷纷向其他国家和地区伸出援手,彰显疫情防控中的“江苏力量”。江苏国际频道、我苏网联合推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列报道,讲述在苏外籍人士积极参与疫情防控的暖心行动,也展现江苏与全球人民休戚与共,携手抗击疫情的责任担当。



Chinese students have become acquainted with online courses in the past few weeks. In Jiangsu, students of Nanjing No. 13 Middle School's MCAP Program have already started the new semester online since Feb. 10th. Recently, a video of encouragement was sent to MCAP students from Carol and John, executives of Massachusetts Mayflower Academy, MCAP's online course partner.

  Wajid是参与课程教学的外教,他很开心通过线上教学,学生们的课程进度没有落后:“现在硬件条件足够支持跨洋在线教学,那么在这个特殊时期,更应当好好利用这些资源。”另一位外教Fawad更是有切身感受:“线上课程的课堂也可以一样丰富活泼。校方在二月份组织了线上课程相关的培训,我们在线教学,也能提供真实的课堂感。老师们每周都会开会讨论学生的反馈以及线上课程中遇到的问题。我觉得这种形式很好。” 高一的Jessica很喜欢这种活泼的在线课程形式,她说:“线上课程,其实非常考验我们的自主学习能力。美国老师在线上批作业,遇到困难时还可以和老师在线交流互动。”

Wajid, a foreign teacher of MCAP, said that he was glad to be able to provide students with up-to-date course. "Now that we are equipped with what it takes for inter-continental online teaching, at this special moment, it is the right time to utilize these resources," said Wajid. Fawad, another foreign teacher, also said that online courses could also provide a sense of real classroom once well designed. Jessica, a freshman student also shared her experience: "It was a new experience when we started online courses, but it's also a challenge to our self-management ability. While teachers in the US grade and comment on our assignments, we could also communicate with them online in case of problems." 



As a collaboration project with Massachusetts Mayflower Academy and Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation, MCAP Program was launched with a teaching formula with both online and offline international teachers. Teachers based in Massachusetts, the US are in charge of core courses of American high schools, while Chinese teachers deliver courses such as Chinese Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The VHS courses have been adapted by 650 high schools in the US, which focus on the students' integrated English proficiency, critical thinking and writing skills. At the end of three years, students would receive both Chinese and American high school diplomas. It was reported that all of the senior students of MCAP have received offers from several renowned US universities.



Shao Rui, Deputy Director of No. 13 Middle School's International Department, said that MCAP's staff members led by the principal Ivana herself have been working hard through the Internet to teach and interact with students every day.



This collaboration project between China and US has been discovering the best way to bring international education resources across borders. The pursuit of knowledge and the gratitude between students and teachers will always be on, and we believe that after winter, there will be more to harvest.
