February 19 Update: 2 Cases Newly Confirmed in Jiangsu

2020年02月19日 08:40:39 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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Between 00:00 and 24:00, February 18, 2 more cases of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) were confirmed in Jiangsu, both of which were moderate cases. 33 more have been cured and discharged from hospital.

Of the newly confirmed cases, 1 was in Nanjing, and 1 in Changzhou. One was 43 years old, and the other, 32. Both of them were female. They are currently under treatment in designated hospitals and in stable condition.

As of 24:00, February 18, 631 cases have been reported in Jiangsu in cumulative terms, 49 of which are mild cases, 572 moderate cases, 6 severe cases and 4 in critical condition. 296 have been cured and discharged from hospital. Of the confirmed cases, 93 were in Nanjing, 55 in Wuxi, 79 in Xuzhou, 51 in Changzhou, 87 in Suzhou, 40 in Nantong, 48 in Lianyungang, 66 in Huai’an, 27 in Yancheng, 23 in Yangzhou, 12 in Zhenjiang, 37 in Taizhou, and 13 in Suqian. Of the severe cases, 1 was in Nanjing, 1 in Xuzhou, 1 in Suzhou, 2 in Huai’an, and 1 in Zhenjiang. Of the cases in critical condition, 1 was in Nanjing, 1 in Lianyungang, 1 in Huai’an, and 1 in Yancheng. Of the cases cured and discharged, 35 were in Nanjing, 27 in Wuxi, 46 in Xuzhou, 27 in Changzhou, 31 in Suzhou, 21 in Nantong, 17 in Lianyungang, 28 in Huai’an, 18 in Yancheng, 11 in Yangzhou, 6 in Zhenjiang, 22 in Taizhou, and 7 in Suqian.  

Of the traced 12,491 close contacts, 2,103 are still under medical quarantine and 10,388 have been released.  

Experts urge the public to keep their hands hygienic, wash hands correctly before meals, after using the toilet, and after contact with easily contaminated objects. Fruits and vegetables should be cleaned before eating, and vegetables and meat be thoroughly cooked. It is suggested fruits be peeled before eating, and separate cutting boards and knives be used for cooked and uncooked food with hands washed in time. Salad, unboiled tap water, water that has been sitting overnight, and stale barreled water should be avoided.

Dos and don’ts for employers. Public awareness of health should be promoted. Sanitation should be maintained at workplace, and regular cleaning and disinfection be reinforced in toilets and restrooms. Group activities should be reduced to the minimum. Emphasis should be put on disinfecting tableware and utensils at canteens, and windows be open more often to improve indoor air quality. Cooked and uncooked dishes should be kept separate, and unused containers be kept clean and dry. Employees are recommended to dine at staggered hours, take their meals away, and keep ample space when queuing and dining.








  장쑤성 코로나19 확진자 2 추가

  2020218 0-24, 장쑤성 코로나19 확진자  2명을 추가했고 모두  일반 환자이었다. 그리고 퇴원 환자는 33명이 추가되었다

  새로 추가된 확진자중에 난징시 1명과 창저우시 1명으로 통계됐다.    명이 43세이고  명이 32세이며  여성이다. 확직자들이 모두 지정 병원에서 치료를 받고 있으며 병세가 안정적인 상태를 유지하고 있다.

  218 24시기준으로 장쑤성 코로나19 확진자 누적  631명을 보고했고   경증 환자 49, 일반 환자 572, 중증 환자 6, 위중 환자 4명이고 퇴원 환자 296명이었다. 확진자중에 난징시 93, 우시시 55, 쉬저우시 79, 창저우시 51, 쑤저우시 87, 난통시 40, 롄윈강시 48, 화이안시 66, 옌청시 27, 양저우시 23, 전장시 12, 타이저우시 37, 쑤첸시 13명으로 통계되었다. 중증 환자는 난징시 1, 쉬저우시1, 쑤저우시 1, 화이안시2, 전장시 1명이고 위중 환자는 난징시 1, 롄위강시 1, 화이안시 1, 옌청시 1명이다. 퇴원 환자는 난징시 35, 우시시 27, 쉬저우시 46, 창저우시 27, 쑤저우시 31, 난통시 21, 롄윈강시 17, 화이안시 28, 옌청시 18, 양저우시 11, 전장시 6, 타이저우시 22, 쑤첸시 7명이었다.

  현재 장쑤성은 감염자와 밀접 접촉한 사람은 12,491명으로 파악됐으며   10,388명은 능동감시를 해제됐고 2,103명이 현재 의학적 능동감시를 받고 있다.

  전문가를 의하면 요즘 개인 예방 주의사항은 다음과 같다: 손위생을 유지하고 식전변후 또는 오염되기 쉬운 물품에 접촉한 후에는 손을 올바르게 씻어야 한다. 과일채소 먹기 전에 깨끗이 씻어야 하고, 채소와 육류는 충분히 익혀서 먹고, 과일은 껍질을 벗기고, 날것과 익힌 음식을 처리하는 도마와 칼은 분리하여 사용하고 즉시 손을 씻어야 한다. 가급적 무침 등을 적게 먹거나 먹지 않으며, 생수  밤잔물, 오래 두었던 통에  물을 마시지 않는 것이 좋다.

  부서/회사 예방통제 주의사항: 애국 위생 운동을 적극적으로 전개한다.  부서/회사는 청결한 환경을 유지하고, 화장실의 일상 청소와 소독을  해야 한다. 단체적인 활동을 최소화한다. 사내 식당은 식기와 도구 소독을 강화하고, 실내 통풍을 시켜서 공기 질을 개선해야 한다. 날것과 익힌 음식을 나누고 용기는 청결하고 건조하게 유지해야 한다. 직원들은 식사할  러시아워를 피해서 식사하는 것을 권장하며, 가능한  식당 안에서 먹지 말고, 줄서기  식사할  일정한 거리를 유지해야 한다.
