Wuxi to ensure people's lives during epidemic

2020年02月16日 11:49:35 | 来源:chinadaily.com.cn

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  Wuxi will step up efforts to ensure people's lives in the fight against the ongoing novel coronavirus epidemic, according to the local government.

  A total of 20 support measures were rolled out on Feb 12 to ensure the supply of essential goods, strengthen basic security, promote educational, medical and other public services. All residents who are properly registered in Wuxi can receive the services.

  The government will ensure the production and transportation of emergency supplies and daily necessities. People who are struggling will receive additional subsidies.

  For all schools would be postponed due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the education department will offer online classes with education resources covering all major school subjects and psychological protection guidance.

  Maternal and child health care services will be promoted. The treatment is technically free for all confirmed patients, according to the government.

  The government will set up a green channel for the identification of work-related injuries sustained by medical and health workers. Online government services and cultural tours will be recommended to citizens.

  Offices of sub-districts and communities are allowed to offer money and supplies to those who are in desperate need before obtaining the permission from authorities.
