140 foreign youths pray for world peace in Nanjing

2019年08月16日 18:18:22 | 来源:english.jschina.com.cn

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  A series of memorial activities were held at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province on Aug 15 to commemorate the 74th anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender in World War II.

  A flag-raising ceremony was attended by a total of 300 people, including eight former librarians of the memorial hall who stroke the Bell of Peace at the event.

  Twenty representatives from Japan and 140 youth representatives from more than 10 countries including China, the Republic of Korea, the United States and the Philippines, attended a peaceful assembly held at the memorial hall, mourning people killed in one of the most barbaric episodes of World War II. The Nanjing Massacre, in which Japanese invaders slaughtered about 300,000 Chinese during a six-week rampage after they captured the city, then China's capital, in 1937.
