Li Chengxia:an NPC deputy from grassroots community, I speak for migrant workers

2019年03月20日 17:37:36 | 来源

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  【本期嘉宾】全国人大代表 李承霞



  Li Chengxia

  Chairwoman of the Labor Union, Changzhou Lansan Group Co., Ltd



  As a sewing operator, I have worked on the production line of a garment factory for 17 years. Like many other migrant workers, I’ve gone through almost all the hardships migrant workers are supposed to experience. As an NPC deputy from the grassroots community, I’ve felt it an obligation to submit to the NPC proposals that are of widespread concern to my fellow wokers.


  I felt overwhelmed and terribly anxious when I was a first-timer at the annual NPC session last year, and I asked myself how I could speak out for people’s interests. I visited more departments, raised more questions, made more inquiries before I gained preliminary understanding of the government’s policies. My workmates would turn to me for consultation whenever they encountered questions.

  As an NPC deputy in the second year of my term, I felt attending the annual session means more than responsibility. I have been thinking hard about the most efficient way to speak out for my fellow migrant workers and solve the problems they were most concerned about. Therefore, I visited a lot of enterprises, carried out investigations and gradually enhanced my understanding.


  During my visits, I realized that private enterprises need more support than state-owned enterprises do as they need to possess independent R&D to survive the challenging market. However, the road to independent R&D usually takes a long time and guarantees no certainty in many aspects. But if we look at the problem from a different angle by proposing tax cut for enterprises, we might see better performance of these private enterprises, and better jobs for migrant workers.


  At the same time, with the onset of the AI age, many mechanical jobs are gradually replaced by machines. In 2017, our factory introduced automation equipment and improved productivity while decreased the labor force by 40%. With regard to this situation, many laid-off migrant workers were desperately hoping to improve their skills as they are unwilling to go back to their rural homes and unwelcomed in the city either.


  This time, I submitted several proposals concerning the upgrading of skills for migrant workers, the education of their children and the protection of public rental housing.


  At present, the whole country is making great efforts to promote the spirit of artisanship and the training of more skilled workers. I hope we could build more institutions for the training of skilled workers at the municipal and district level. I also hope that the training could cover more areas to offer migrant workers better access to chances and professions. Only when we have more skilled workers can we have better quality assurance in the traditional industries.

  令我激动的是,今年的政府工作报告中,提到不少关于就业、减税降费方面的内容,其中还特别提到了要帮助我们农民工提升职业技能,让更多青年凭借一技之长实现人生价值。这证明了国家一直很关心基层老百姓的生活和广大职工的心声 。

  To my excitement, this year's Government Work Report highlighted employment, tax reductions and fee cuts, especially the part that “to provide training for the 15 million targeted attendees, helping jobseekers to upgrade skills or switch jobs or industries”. The improvement of people’s wellbeing has been high on the agenda of the government.  


  I did not hesitate a moment to share the new policies with my workmates over a video call. I believed that with the implementation of the new policies, we migrant workers will have more and more confidence and become integrated into the urban life. When I get back, I will talk to them again and encourage them to train their skills to be better prepared for more opportunities.



  May the motherland more prosperous and more powerful!
