New facial recognition based library to open in Yangzhou

2019年01月10日 13:54:37 | 来源

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  The first library in Yangzhou to set the facial recognition system, Qili River Park City Study, will be open to the public before the Spring Festival, which falls on Feb 5 this year.

  The study is located at the foot of a 40-meter-high refurbished chimney in the old industrial area of Yangzhou. The chimney has been transformed into a sightseeing tower, which can provide visitors with splendid views, including the Wenfeng Tower to the west.


Qili River Park City Study is planned to open to the public before the Spring Festival, which falls on Feb 5. [Photo/]

  According to the principal of Yangzhou library, it is the upgraded version of the original city study with more convenient facilities. When the library opens, visitors who have already applied for a library card will be able to borrow books through facial recognition without carrying the card with them.

