New persimmon cultivar in Huai’an wins top national award

2018年11月15日 10:42:20 | 来源

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  A new persimmon cultivar introduced by Huai’an Horticulture Station made it to the list of “top ten quality products” at the 9th National Symposium on Persimmon Production and Scientific Research, organized by the Diospyros kaki committee of the Chinese Society for Horticultural Science.

  The cultivar known as Taishu tastes sweet and is one of the best in persimmon fruits. The variety is large with soft and juicy flesh, the texture similar to apple but more delicate.

  Shi Zhigao, deputy head and a senior agronomist at the station, said Taishu originated in Japan and Huai’an introduced it from Kunshan City of Jiangsu Province in the early spring of 2016.

  The sweet persimmon tree is not tall, but it is high-yield. Each tree can bear hundreds of fruits. After eight to ten years, the tree enters the full bearing period and can produce about 2,000 kilograms of fruits per mu.

