High-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent fair kicks off

2018年08月14日 12:03:14 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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  639 talent projects and more than 200 investment and financing institutions from home and abroad showed up at the 2018 Wuxi High-level Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Fair. In order to attract talents on the global scale, Wuxi will continue to introduce preferential policies, strive to build a new high-end destination with international competitiveness, build the Taihu New City high-end talent zone, and promote seamless integration of talents, projects and industries. At the same time, the "Taihu Talent Program" has been continuously upgraded, and will provide up to 100 million yuan of project funding support for overseas high-level talents and international students coming to Wuxi for business start-ups

  (Source: ourjiangsu.com)
