2018 Cross Straits & Hong Kong-Macao International Youth Handball Summer Camp opens in Changzhou

2018年07月16日 19:36:16 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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  The 2018 Cross Straits & Hong Kong-Macao International Youth Handball Summer Camp opened Monday at Changzhou Xinbei District Experiment School.


  The 3-day summer camp is sponsored by Chinese Handball Association and organized by Changzhou Municipal Sport Bureau. This competition involves 23 teams from different places such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Shanghai, Zhejiang, etc. Members of Danish BSV Handball Club are also invited to participate. Over 300 athletes will compete in 53 games.


  Christian Holm, a member of Danish BSV Handball Club, said that he looked forward to this trip in China so much and hoped to learn from Chinese players because they are quite friendly and skillful. 

  During the summer camp, there will be featured activities including training model lessons, arts and culture show, etc. to promote the popularity and development of handball.


  Yao Sujie, director of Teenage Development Committee of Chinese Handball Association, said that this summer camp’s main purpose was not competition but the establishment of campus handball culture and the popularity and development of handball. This project intends to bring handball into school so that campus handball can be promoted. 
