Woman vexed by inability to vaccinate her son for study trip to USA

2018年07月11日 14:47:34 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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  A woman surnamed Zhang is vexed by the inability to have her son vaccinated to measure up to the formalities for the study trip to the University of Miami, USA, next month.

  In the past few days, Ms. Zhang has been busy preparing her son’s formalities for going to the US.

  Her son was studying at a school in Shanghai. He needs to go through a medical examination to fill the requirements for traveling to the US. Ms. Zhang arranged for her son to return to Taizhou for the medical examination.

  According to the form provided by the University of Miami, her son must be vaccinated with measles mumps and rubella at least twice.

  Quite unexpectedly, after making inquiries with Jiangsu International Travel Health Care Center Taizhou Sub-center and the Taizhou Health Department, Ms. Zhang was told that the city has no measles mumps and rubella vaccine.

  It later turned out that in his childhood Ms. Zhang’s son had not been vaccinated with measles mumps and rubella vaccine which was charged to the patient’s expense before 2013. The vaccine is now shot for free. But for adults, there is no such vaccine in Taizhou.

(Source: ourjiangsu.com)
