Nanjing promotes waste sorting system in rural areas

2018年05月25日 15:51:16 | 来源

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  More and more rural communities in Nanjing will promote waste sorting in a bid to clean the environment, local sources said Wednesday.

  The waste sorting system began to be piloted in Baguazhou Town in March with 12000 rural households placed under the system.

  The township government has put into use in large-size refuse sorting centers, kitchen-waste organic treatment stations, and the exchange of bonus point of garbage sorting for necessities at supermarkets. 71 garbage sorting vehicles shuttled between villages and communities every day, garbage collection conditions, collection vehicle dynamic trajectories while the information supervision center keep real time monitoring on the operations.

  An organic fertilizer processing plant has also been put into operation to handle kitchen waste for local residents while sorting degradable wastes.

  The waste sorting system is now piloted in over 40 villages in Nanjing. Half of the 600 administrative villages in Nanjing will be covered by the system by the end of this year.

  (Source: Jiangsu International Channel)
