Fewer consumer complaints reported during spring festival

2018年02月23日 15:58:23 | 来源:ourjiangsu,com

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  Fewer consumer complaints were reported during this year’s spring festival, according to the provincial association for consumer rights and the provincial price bureau.

  According to statistics, during this year’s Spring Festival, the association for consumer rights at all levels across the province handled 780 consumer disputes of all kinds, down 6.9% from the same period of last year.

  The disputes involved mainly the sectors of shopping, entertainment, catering, traveling and communications.

  Consumers' complaints about catering, tourism and leisure and entertainment have obviously increased compared with previous years. The problems mainly focus on quality, contract, measurement and after-sales service, which fully reflect that consumers are paying more attention to the pursuit of quality life.

  Price is the barometer of the market and closely related to the consumer experience. During the Spring Festival, the price departments at all levels in the province accepted a total of 576 complaints and inquiries of various types, reporting a year-on-year increase of 27%.

  Parking charges, transportation, retail sales and hotel accommodation accounted for the largest number of reported complaints.

  Nanjing, Suzhou, the hottest tourist cities reported the largest proportion of complaints against price irregularities.

  The province's grain and oil prices were basically stable while meat and egg prices rose steadily and fruits and vegetables prices were mixed.   

  (Source:Jiangsu International Channel)
