Nanjing starts test run for new light rail track

2017年12月06日 15:44:32 | 来源:江苏国际频道

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  The test run for the phase II project of Nanjing-Gaochun light rail track went underway on Tuesday. Lets go and take a close look.

  A three-car carriage was used for the no-load test run which started from the northern terminal at the Lukou International airport.

  The train pulled out of the station at 9:45 and began to pick up to reach its maximum of 120 kilometers per hour. At 10:20, the train pulled into the station in Gaochun, covering the 52.39-km distance in 35 minutes.

  The phase II project of Nanjing-Gaochun light rail track traverses three districts, going north-southward from Jiangning, Lishui to Gaochun.

  Passengers can make transfer at the Xiangyu Nanlu Station on the airport light rail. All but one station are elevated.

  This is the first light rail track in Nanjing that runs at a maximum speed of 120 km per hour.

  The no-load test run began on September 15. The official operation is set for the end of December
