ITS World Congress to be held in Suzhou in October

2023-02-18 10:56:30 | 来源:Isuzhou

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The 29th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS World Congress) will take place from October 16 to 20, 2023 in Suzhou. ITS Asia-Pacific Secretariat and China's organizing committee participated in the second high-level meeting online yesterday, which marks the preparation has entered a new phase.

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The 29th ITS World Congress is the most influential comprehensive international congress in the field of smart transportation, and also the field's highest-level, largest and widest platform to demonstrate the leading technologies and products.

There are three exhibition halls, namely B1, C1 and D1, covering a total area of 27,000 square meters, including some 8,000 square meters for setting up booths. There will be a total of 272 booths, among which 76 are special booths, and 196 are shell scheme booths. Other areas are used for catering, storage and passageways.

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Floor Plan (Cr: official website of the Congress)

The 3-storey meeting area boasts nearly 40 conference rooms. An impressive column-free hall, currently the biggest one in Asia, will be used as the venue for opening and closing ceremonies.

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Guide Map(Cr: official website of the Congress)

The 5-day Congress consists of a opening ceremony, a closing ceremony, plenary sessions, parallel sessions, a reception, a GALA dinner, technical tours, and exhibitions. For more information, you can visit the official website:

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