It's time to welcome hairy crab season

2022-09-24 10:53:42 | 来源:iSuzhou

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The 2022 harvest season for Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs began yesterday. The local delicacy will finally hit the shelves. This year's anti-counterfeit badge for crabs grown in Yangcheng Lake is deep red, and the badge for crabs grown in high-standard ponds is green and blue.

With a history of more than 4,000 years, Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are indispensable dishes on the dinner table in fall. There are many ways to cook them. The most common one is steaming the tied-up crab for 15 minutes after cleaning its belly, which can keep its original flavor. You can also bake it with salt, stir-fry it, or soak it in liquor.

Lianhua Island莲花岛 is a go-to destination if you want to try fresh crabs. Visitors can go there from the south南码头 or the north dock北码头. At the south dock, there will be cruise ships bound for the Island, and visitors can park their cars at Yangcheng Lake Tourist Transportation Center阳澄湖旅游集散中心. At the north dock, there will be sightseeing buses to the Island. Visitors can also walk to the Island from the north dock, where a large parking lot is near its entrance. Besides, visitors can take Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2 to the Suzhoubei Railway Station and transfer to Bus No. 866, which goes direct to the resort (Yangchenghu Town).

Lianhua Island

South dock at Yangcheng Lake Tourist Transportation Center

In addition, there are myriads of restaurants on Qianshuiwan Commercial Street浅水湾商业街 offering authentic hairy crabs.

Remember: crab cannot be eaten with persimmon since they are both cold in nature. You should avoid eating too many crabs at a time, too.
