Charming Jiangsu: A Bite of Spring

2022-06-09 10:27:31 | 来源:Xinhuanet

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Kaiyang Cattail

Kaiyang Cattail is a traditional dish in Huai'an cityeast China'sJiangsu Province.

It is mainly made of cattail stems, which is sweet, fragrant, crispy, and nutritious with the flavors of bamboo shoots.

In ponds with shallow water and thick mud, cattail stems become strong, white, long, and crispy, which makes Kaiyang Cattail a must to try for guests.

Pork ribs with vegetables

In spring, people in Jiangsu Province may enjoy delicious fish, shrimps and clams, as well as vegetables from different regions. Seasonal vegetables sprout in the mountains and farmlands to embrace the sunshine and moonlight, absorbing nutrition from their surroundings, which are the best gifts from mother nature.

Fried Spring Bamboo Shoots

In spring, the delicacy of bamboo shoots cannot be missed. Preserved in winter and absorbing the fragrance and nutrition of the land. Delicious bamboo shoots may be fried, simmered, or steamed with different ingredients. Fried Spring Bamboo Shoots is the most classic dish. Fried with soy sauce, the bamboo shoot has the same texture as meat.

For this dish, seasoned with soy sauce and sugar, every piece of the bamboo shoot is covered with tasty sauce. Oxalic acid from the fresh bamboo shootdissolves and bitterness disappears after frying. The shining gloss indicates the freshness of bamboo shoots.Every bite of bamboo shoots covered with sugar and soy sauce will bring pleasure.
