Nanjing Tech Weeks kicks off annual session

2021年06月22日 10:42:29 | 来源

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Nanjing Tech Week kicked off its annual session Monday morning in a combination of offline and online mode to usher in a five-day carnival of high-end forums, industry docking, results release, and black technology exhibition.


This "passive walking robot" can be adjusted and controlled by several joints to help those who need lower limb training to complete the rehabilitation training process from "passive" to "active".

An exhibitor

All parts of the hip, knee, and ankle joints

have coordinated power

We can determine the stress points of the equipment

according to different positions

in order to analyze and correct

the patient's correct walking posture

The equipment can be used for 4 hours

under different rehabilitation situations

after getting charged for 3 hours

The weight of the patient

can vary from 45 kg to 80 kg

and the height between 1.45 m and 1.75 m

At present, the equipment has been piloted in two hospitals in Zhejiang. When upgraded in the future, the equipment can assist in lower limb rehabilitation training and make patients wear more comfortable.


This device, which looks similar to drones, is called an airborne "multi-parameter detection lidar", which can assist in detecting the atmospheric wind field, the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere, cloud cover, and precipitation for atmospheric environmental protection.

An exhibitor

We use single-photon detection

and all-optical fiber methods

to reduce the laser radar

to a very small size and light weight

to ensure that it can detect atmospheric parameters

from the air

and also target some special scenarios

such as forest fires, chemical leaks

and inspection of gas pipelines

and field detection in the border areas
