“Hi Jiangsu” comes to Wuxi - the city of IoT

2020年09月26日 15:46:01 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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16 media practitioners from 9 media organizations around the world participated this week in the 2020 "Hi Jiangsu", a major branding activity held by the Information Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and China Daily. They are currently having a 5-day trip in different cities around Jiangsu to see through their own eyes what Jiangsu has done to achieve a moderately prosperous society.

  2020“Hi Jiangsu”外媒记者看江苏最后一站来到了素有“太湖明珠”美称的无锡。在最近公布的“2020中国民营企业500强”榜单中,无锡共有26家企业入围,与深圳同列全国城市上榜企业数第二位。在无锡经济强劲发展的势头下,外媒记者团近距离就“智能产业”主题进行参观采访。

The last stop of Hi Jiangsu is Wuxi, which is known as “Pearl of Taihu Lake”. According to a report of national ranking of China’s top 500 private enterprise, Wuxi has 26 companies on the list, securing the second place on the ranking, the same with Shenzhen. In order to get to know the economic development of Wuxi, the media delegation visited local industries, especially intelligent industry in the two-day trip. They conducted interview at Wuxi Airport Smart Park of Cainiao and Chison Medical Technologies Co.


As China’s largest AGV(AutomatedGuidedVehicle) intelligent storehouses, Wuxi Airport Smart Park of Cainiao has nearly 1000 AGV robots to replace basic and repetitive manual labor. It has widely applied advanced technologies related to the Internet of Things to mainly services southern part of Jiangsu. The media practitioners were also interested in how helpful the AGV robots could be.



Necati Demircan from Aydinlik Gazetesi shared the reason why he was impressedabout this Smart Park of Cainiao. He said: “This is so important in the future. Here I can say, artificial Intelligence, high technology are the trend of the future.”



“They are making quick production and donated our ICU ultrasound to the ICU department in Wuhan and Hubei. We are so glad these machines are helping doctors to diagnose the disease,” the manager from Chison answered the media delegation’s questions about the application of its devices amid COVID-19 pandemic.


In addition, Chison focuses on remote diagnosis and portable ultrasonic testing device, which can be used in emergencies and help remote medical treatment. Lila from Y Plan showed great interestin it.

“Through this equipment, doctors could achieve remote treatment, which means with less doctors at hospital, they could treat more patients. This can greatly alleviate the crowdedness at local hospital,” she said.

“歪果仁研究协会”副会长 星悦接受采访


Wuxi is also a city with long history and brilliant cultures. At Meili Ancient Town, foreign friends tried to play the Erhu, a tradition Chinese musicial instrument.



Wuxi is the last stop of "Hi Jiangsu", which is jointly hosted by Information Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s government and China Daily. More than 10 overseas media outlets each year are invited to visit Jiangsu and cover the province on the themes of people's livelihoods, scientific and technological innovation, ecological civilization and cultural heritage.

  Hi Jiangsu活动由江苏省政府新闻办和中国日报共同举办,无锡是本届活动最后一站。每年均有10余家海外媒体参与,就人民生活,科学技术创新,生态建设和文化传承等主题在江苏省各地市进行参观报道。
