RMB1 yuan for a garden tour in Suzhou

2020年07月26日 15:18:36 | 来源:isuzhou

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只花1元钱就能游览苏州园林?是的,你没听错!7月24日上午,“1元游园林 百万大馈赠”活动在虎丘景区启动,虎丘、拙政园、狮子林等14个苏州知名园林景区1元就可以游,准备好抢票了吗?

As the “One-yuan Garden Tour” tourist appreciation campaign was launched at Tiger Hill Scenic Area on the morning of July 24, tourists will later be able to visit a series of classical gardens across Suzhou with only RMB1 yuan.

From August 1 to December 31, 2020, a total of half a million one-yuan tickets will be simultaneously available in the “One-yuan Garden Tour” ticket snapping-up columns on such five online platforms as Suzhou Garden Tour (www.szylly.com, 苏州园林旅游网), Ctrip (携程), Travelgo (同程), Meituan (美团) and WeChat Public Account suzhou-tour(苏州旅游总入口).

Visitors can start snapping up the tickets for the next 7 days at 5pm every day ; that is to say, they can buy the tickets dated August 1 to August 7, 2020 starting 5pm, July 31.

Besides, two half-priced tickets to the same scenic area are offered for every successfully purchased one-yuan ticket.

The one-yuan tickets are accepted by the following 14 well-known Suzhou Garden scenic areas:

Tiger Hill Scenic Area (虎丘风景区)

The Lingering Garden (留园)

The Humble Administrator’s Garden (拙政园)

Lion Grove Garden (狮子林)

The Couple’s Retreat Garden (耦园)

The Master-of-Nets Garden (网师园)

Canglang Pavilion (沧浪亭)

Keyuan Garden (可园)

Tianpingshan Mountain Scenic Area (天平山)

Suzhou China Flower Botanical Garden (苏州中国花卉植物园)

Suzhou Shangfangshan Forest Zoo (苏州上方山森林动物世界)

Huanxiu Villa (环秀山庄)

Yiyuan Garden (怡园)

Garden of Cultivation (艺圃)

Tiger Hill Scenic Area

The Humble Administrator’s Garden

Garden of Cultivation

Up to 300,000 garden tickets will also be given gratis to 100 domestic travel agencies from August 1 to December 31, 2020. The travel agencies that organize group tours to the above 14 gardens and scenic areas can buy group tickets at a 90% discount and get a one-yuan ticket for every ten group members.

Please stay tuned for updates!

Source: isuzhou
