Jiangsu launches online platform to boost all-for-one tourism

2020年07月09日 09:24:21 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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On June 28th, Jiangsu Provincial Construction and Administration Platform of All-for-one Tourism Demonstration Zones was officially launched on a tourism forum. The Platform, introduced with a pre-released guidance, aims at the in-depth and high-quality development of the province's all-for-one tourism, and serves as an important supervision subsystem of Jiangsu intelligent cultural & tourism industry platform.

图 1 江苏省全域旅游示范区建设与管理平台是江苏智慧文旅平台的重要子系统

  图 2《全域旅游示范区评审工作信息化指南》获批江苏省地方标准立项


All-for-one tourism has been a task emphasized by the Central Committee and the State Council, but it is also a brand-new idea and model which has few precedents to follow. Therefore, Jiangsu collected details from administration departments, tour operators, experts, tourists and local residents to form the standards and regulations for all-for-one tourism development.  


Designed with thorough necessity and feasibility research, the Platform contains nine major functional modules, which precisely guides the planning and assessment of the establishment of all-for-one tourism demonstration zones within the province.

图 3 江苏省全域旅游示范区建设与管理平台的9大功能模块  


The Platform is accessible on multiple platforms, including personal computers, mobile phones and larger screens, as well as web apps (Mini Programs) based on WeChat. With the Platform, users can learn about all-for-one tourism policies and training courses, evaluate ongoing projects, and assist with project oral defense.  

图 4 “全域旅游示范区共建共学共享”微信小程序

图 5 评审专家借助于PC端可远程线上开展全域旅游台账评审工作

图 6 江苏全域旅游建设和管理平台助推暗访工作标准化

图 7 “全域旅游示范区暗访”微信小程序


The establishment of the Platform is but a starting point of innovation, while the key to all-for-one tourism lies in its normalized adoption. Before the end of this year, Jiangsu will be the first province in China to publish the digital guidance for the assessment of all-for-one tourism demonstration zone, and strive to upgrade it into an industrial standard for the province to follow.

(Source:Hello Jiangsu)