More people in Jiangsu enabled access to high-speed railway service

2019年12月17日 10:46:33 | 来源

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The operation on Monday of the Xuzhou-Yancheng high-speed railway and the Lianyungang-Huai’an section of the Lianyungang-Zhenjiang high-speed railway has enabled more people in northern Jiangsu to travel at much easier convenience.

The D5628 bullet train pulled out of the train station in Yancheng at nine Monday morning to head for its destination the Xuzhou East Railway Station.

The operation of the high-speed railway has enabled people in the five prefectural cities of northern Jiangsu to take bullet trains to various parts of the country.

Cheng Fei, commander of the railway constructionheadquarters in North Jiangsu

I was pleased to see that

many people are taking the bullet train

and I think my efforts are rewarded

The bullet train ride from Suqian city to Xuzhou City is a matter of 40-minute ride compared with the two-hour coach service in the past.

A maximum hourly speed of 250 kilometers is designed for the Xuzhou-Yancheng high-speed railway and the Lianyungang-Huai’an section of the Lianyungang-Zhenjiang high-speed railway.

a passenger

It was quite troublesome for us

to travel to Xuzhou by coach in the past

but now the bullet train is safe and comfortable

Also, it has made us convenient to travel

to any part of the country

The operation of the two high-speed railways has improved the strategic position and influence of North Jiangsu and the entire province in the Belt and Road construction, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

The Xuzhou-Yancheng railway will be joined with the Beijing-Shanghai railway and Zhengzhou-Xuzhou railway at the end of this year to shorten the commute time from the north Jiangsu cities to Beijing, Zhengzhou and other large cities in the country.

In the next year, the five prefectural cities in north Jiangsu will be connected with Shanghai and Zhejiang through the high-speed rail tracks.

Shi Kaiqing, general engineer of the Yancheng Station project

The Xuzhou-Yancheng railway will be

connected with the country’s eight horizontal

and eight vertical railway networks

to ease the pressure

on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway

The operation of the Yancheng-Nantong railway next year

will cut the travel time from Yancheng to Shanghai

from the previous five hours to one hour

which will facilitate the north Jiangsu cities

to seek better integration into the Yangtze River Delta

Liang Jidong, tourism promotion director, Lianyungang Municipal Tourism Bureau

For many years we can only reach out

to tourists within 500 kilometers of Lianyungang

but the high-speed railway will

enlarge the range to 800 kms or even 1500 kms

