TOP TALK| 荷兰北布拉邦省省长范德东克:8次访问江苏见证两省州25年友好交流

2019年11月06日 11:11:18 | 来源

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  11月1日——2日,北布拉邦省省长范德东克(Van de Donk)率团访问江苏,并出席在南京举办的江苏省与北布拉邦省结好25周年庆祝活动。

  在庆祝活动之后,范德东克接受了江苏国际频道《Hello Jiangsu》栏目的专访。本期TOP TALK,我们便以此为契机,同范德东克省长一起谈谈北布拉邦省同江苏25年的友好往来。

  8次来访江苏 见证25年巨变


This is Van de Donk's eighth visit to Jiangsu. As an old friend and a good friend of Jiangsu, King'sCommissioner Van de Donk was awarded the honorary citizenship of Jiangsu in 2017. The title not only represents the deep friendship between Noord Brabant and Jiangsu, but also reflects the personal love of Van de Donk for Jiangsu Province. He told Hello Jiangsu: "That is a great honor indeed. But that felt as a kind of confirmation of the special feelings we have between Noord Brabant and Jiangsu, and also, I, personally."



When talking about the development of the two provinces over the past 25 years, Van de Donk said proudly: "So many impressive changes in both of our provinces. The quality of life has improved. Technology is changing our lives profoundly. And I think that we should not be too modest. I would say we are an example for the world."


Van de Donk also went to visit the Nanjing Museum this time. "I've been 8 times here with a full program. And it's the first time that actually I have a few hours that I can choose myself what to do. And I choose the Nanjing Museum." Van de Donk was amazed by the fact that more than 70 percent of the visitors to the Nanjing Museum are young people. He believes that museums play an important role in young people's understanding of their own culture, "And museums are not only important for history but also for the future. If you do not know where you come from, you are not going to know where you are heading for."



Since the formal establishment of friendly relationship between Jiangsu Province and Noord Brabant Province in 1994, the two provinces have facilitated frequent visits between government officials, as well as exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, culture, and agriculture. During the celebration, Governor Wu and King's Commissioner Van de Donk also signed the memorandum on further enhancing friendly relations between the two provinces. They also witnessed the signing of agreements between provincial government departments, sister cities and universities.


"These signatures on these memorandums are (not)just paper, paper about intentions and practical results," said Van de Donk. "I witnessed yesterday as I spoke with many entrepreneurs from Noord Brabant that have been joining our mission this time. Entrepreneurs are happy to seek opportunities to exchange ideas, to do business with each other."


Van de Donk was pleased to see that Nanjing University and Tilburg University are cooperating on a dual degree program. He said: "They should really not stay only in their own city, but go abroad and look at new cultures that they don't yet know, which is very important for their development, I would say."

  南京“小梵高”送画 搭建两省州青少年交流桥梁


Wu Zhenglong and Van de Donk also visited the Youth Painting Exhibition between Jiangsu and Noord Brabant. Chen Hongxu, a contestant of the Youth Painting Contest named Youcheng Hui, presented his painting to Van de Donk as a present.



"That was a very interesting part of the ceremony yesterday. The boy's painting has a rainbow with all the children of the world, which was a very compelling and moving image. And it was well done." Van de Donk was moved by the painting, which represents the friendship between young people from China and the Netherlands. He said Chen Hongxu was the "young Van Gogh". "I will take it with me to the Netherlands, to Noord Brabant, and it will be in a beautiful place in the house of the province," said Van de Donk.



Van de Donk also took the opportunity to introduce the beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritages of Noord Brabant Province. "Noord Brabant is the home of the painter Van Gogh. You can see his works in museums, and you can also visit the places where he draws windmills and watermills."



Van de Donk sincerely invites people from Jiangsu to visit the beautiful province of Noord Brabant to experience the blending of tradition and modernity. "The mayor of Eindhoven told me that he has invited the mayor of Nanjing, his sister city, to come over in November for what they call 'Glow', which is an exciting light show in the city of Eindhoven on the Brainport area. And there you see new blends of high technological culture with old fashioned and traditional image, very special to participate."


Van de Donk also introduced the annual Dutch design week held in Eindhoven. "It is a thrilling experiment where all young people, students from design academies, present their new ideas to the world. So, don't hesitate to come because it will be worthwhile."

