TOP TALK|澳大利亚维多利亚州国库部部长蒂姆·帕拉斯:为四十年姐妹省州友谊感到骄傲

2019年07月19日 17:56:15 | 来源:Hello Jiangsu

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  蒂姆·帕拉斯Tim Pallas


  今年是江苏省与澳大利亚维多利亚州(以下简称“维州”)缔结友好省州关系40周年。自结好以来,两地在 经济、文化 、教育、科技 、旅游等领域都有广泛合作。

  七月中旬,维州国库部部长蒂姆·帕拉斯(Tim Pallas)一行来到南京,拜会郭元强副省长,进一步深化两省州友好交流与务实合作关系,并接受了《Hello Jiangsu》的独家专访。本期《Top Talk》,我们就同维州国库部部长回顾40年友好省州的巨大成就以及“一带一路”倡议下双方合作的诸多可能



  Over the past 40 years, Jiangsu and Victoria have closely cooperated with each other regarding cultural exchanges. Treasurer of Victoria, Tim Pallas, mentioned Circus Oz’s visit to Nanjing in 1979, when the sister-state relationship was first formalized, and current exchange of musicians through the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Frequent cultural exchanges have played an indispensable role in the development of the sister-state relationship.


  “We are so proud of the achievements of our sister-state relationship at a cultural level. We think so many things have happened that give us both broader horizons and a greater understanding of the remarkable story of China and Jiangsu in particular”, said Tim Pallas.


  Apart from cultural exchanges, Jiangsu and Victoria have interacted in many other fields, including research and development, health care and innovation, etc. The word “proud” finds its way into the interview frequently, demonstrating Tim Pallas’ excitement and thrill for the genuine friendship between Jiangsu and Victoria.



  Education reform has always been a focus during Tim Pallas’ term of office. He once put forward the single biggest education investment in Victoria’s history. The cooperation between Victoria, the education state of Australia, and Jiangsu, the education province of China, equips a considerable number of students and teachers with the opportunity to study abroad.

  “已经有1500名学生有机会通过哈默奖学金来江苏交流,学习文化知识。在维州,我们鼓励学习汉语普通话,我们为那些学习汉语的维多利亚州学生提供奖学金。” 蒂姆·帕拉斯部长说道。教育的交流是两省州人民体验对方独特文化的重要平台,提高了教育质量,增强了文化意识

  According to Tim Pallas, “1500 students have already had the opportunity to exchange, come to Jiangsu and learn about the culture through our Hamer Scholarships. We are encouraging the learning of the Chinese language, the Mandarin, in Victoria, we give scholarships to Victorian students undertaking those learnings.” Educational exchange is an important platform on which people from two provinces (states) can experience each other’s unique culture. These exchanges have improved education quality and cultural awareness to a great extent.




  In October 2018, the Victorian government became the first local government in Australia to reach a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Belt and Road Initiative with the Chinese Government.

  Treasurer of Victoria, Tim Pallas, extolled the BRI as a grand proposal, pinpointing the infinite possibilities of further cooperation between Jiangsu and Victoria. “We are the fastest growing economy in Australia. We are the fastest growing population in the nation. And that means that we need Chinese skills and expertise to help design the Victoria of the future.”, said Tim Pallas.


  He reiterated that, “The Belt and Road Initiative is a wonderful way of really demonstrating that we can continue to grow our economies and our communities of interest in partnership.”


  2019年是新中国成立70周年。当谈到中国这70年来的发展时,蒂姆·帕拉斯部长给予了极高的评价他告诉《Hello Jiangsu》,“中国不仅带领中国人民,还帮助许多其他国家的人民脱离贫困,这是一项了不起的成就,在这方面,世界上没有哪个国家可以与中国比肩。”

  蒂姆·帕拉斯部长接受《Hello Jiangsu》专访

  2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Treasurer Tim Pallas spoke highly of China’s development over the past 70 years. “To think that this is the country that has lifted more people, not just in China, but in the world, out of poverty than any other nation in the history of the world. That is a remarkable achievement.”, said Tim Pallas.


  In addition, he touched upon the tremendous contributions that China’s economy has made to the world economy, “China has been seen as a nation of innovators, this is further demonstration, that not only is the economy working well, that China has so much to contribute to the world stage, both in terms of culture, but also to enhance and grow the world’s economy.”

