Yangzhou to reward transfer of technological achievements

2018年09月14日 11:11:01 | 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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  Starting this year, Yangzhou City will allocate 2 million yuan of special funds each year to encourage the transfer of various technological achievements in a bid to promote the further development of the regional innovation system. On Wednesday, the city took the lead in the province by issuing the Yangzhou City Technology Transfer Awards Trial Version.

  The "Measures" clarify that the enterprises that introduce the transformation of advanced technology achievements from Yangzhou will be rewarded with the Yangzhou City Innovation Coupon by directly applying for 200,000 yuan of innovative vouchers and enjoy preferential exchange.

  A prize of 100 yuan will be awarded to those who provide information on technical requirements of enterprises for various types of technology transfer institutions and technical brokers and the information entered the data base after going through a reviewing process.

  At present, Yangzhou has nearly 200 technology transfer institutions and more than 600 technical brokers. As of the end of August this year, the actual turnover of Yangzhou technical contracts reached 700 million yuan. The first batch of 2 million yuan technology transfer awards will be cashed at the end of this year.

