Jiangsu kicks off Big Data and Smart City Research Innovation Lab

2018年08月11日 11:04:48 | 来源:english.jschina.com.cn

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  Jiangsu Urban Planning and Design Institute and the Big Data Center of China Telecom, one of the country’s major telecommunications operators, signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Nanjing on Aug. 8 to jointly set up the “Big Data and Smart City Research Innovation Lab”.

  The two sides will work together on the comprehensive application of Big Data in urban planning, building smart city, and other fields.

  Big Data is a booster for achieving refined, dynamic management and improving the quality of life of residents in turning the city smart. Mei Yaolin, president of the institute, said that the “Jiangsu Digital Urban and Rural Planning Information System” undertaken by the institute is China’s first such system at the provincial level. In Big Data application research, the institute has built up abundant new technologies and methods, begun to establish a dynamic database and a comprehensive technology application system, and also formed a relatively complete R&D team.

  China Telecom’s Jiangsu subsidiary took the lead in establishing a Big Data center in China in 2016. At present, it has developed four major product systems involving fields of transportation, tourism, culture, sports, government affairs and public security.
